Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fire Lord Ozai

Fire Lord Ozai was crafty and evil. He suggested to his father that if he had been the general at Ba Sing Se, he would not have left because his son died, like Iroh had done. Azulon was so angry that he ordered Ozai to kill Prince Zuko. Ozai was going to do it when Azula heard it and told Zuko. Princess Ursa, their mother, overheard and was furious with Ozai. To save Zuko's life she murdered Azulon and disappeared. Ozai was named Fire Lord.

When he prepared to use Sozin's Comet to burn the world to the ground, he named Azula fire lord and himself Phoenix King. Then he battled the Avatar. He held his own, but was no match for Aang, and he lost his bending and was thrown in jail.

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