Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Avatar Roku

Avatar Roku was the Fire Nation Avatar before Aang. He was best friends with Fire Lord Sozin, back when he was merely Prince Sozin. They had the same birthday, so they shared a party. On their sixteenth birthday, however, the Fire Sages showed up. "Is my father dead?" Asked Prince Sozin. "No, we're not here for you, we are here to announce the identity of the new avatar. We are her to serve you, Avatar Roku." Thus, Roku left to learn airbending alongside Aang's future teacher and friend, Monk Gyatso.

Returning home to Fire Lord Sozin, he married his longtime crush. After the wedding, his friend pulled him aside to speak with him about attacking the Earth Kingdom, to set up colonies, to take over the world. Between the two of them, Sozin claimed, they were unstoppable. Roku was appalled at the thought and told him not to do it. When Sozin did, Roku confronted him. "How dare you speak to your Fire Lord this way?" Sozin hissed. "Your loyalty is to he Fire Nation first, and anything else makes you a traitor!" After a brief scuffle, Roku spared Sozin, but warned that one more action toward war and Roku would kill him.

One night, a volcano on Roku's island blast, and all the villagers fled except Roku who stayed to stop it. Sozin flew on his dragon to help. Right when the poisonous gas was too much Roku decided they must leave. He reached out to Sozin who said, " Without you, my dreams could become a reality." He leaped onto his dragon and fled, leaving Roku to die with his dragon Fang. A few minutes later at the  Southern Air Temple, Aang was born.

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